Idea Farm Episode 8 Labels
Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash
In this episode Benjamin is joined by one of his team members, Jesse Howe, to talk about labels in education. After you listen, join the discussion over at our Learning Community
Photo by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash
Idea Farm Episode 7 Compulsory Education
In this episode, Kell & Ben stay on topic for once! They talk about what they each think should be compulsory for every student in today´s schooling. They actually don´t even finish, so there shall be a part II coming up soon. Enjoy.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
Idea Farm Episode 6
In this episode, Kell & Ben talk about their new school years, Ben goes into a description of classroom meetings and how he is trying to use them this year, they talk about how old thoughts are being proved true because of brain imaging; they briefly talk about the one room school house, education systems, universities, and some Finland Stuff; they talk about the books they are reading, and have a discussion about personas...How much of your teacher persona is you…? They end with a comment about our artistry and Mr. Alan Watts.
The Song Featured this week is Who We Are by Hans Atom (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: MissJudged and Fireproof Babies
Episode 5
Summer, Banning, Loving Everyone AND Not Being Pro-Everything
Idea Farm Episode 5
This episode Kell & Ben recap their summers, talk about some books, articles, and videos they have been thinking on (Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement even makes an appearance), they talk briefly about the YouTube banning of Jordan Peterson and Kell tries to communicate an idea he´s been chewing on. They end the show talking about all sorts of stuff, especially how broccoli just doesn´t cut it some time.
Idea Minute Episode 01
A quick take on an experiment, and it´s implications.
Episode 4
The Brain, Behavior, Culture, and Randomness
In this episode Kell and Ben talk about: Report Card Comments; Jordan Peterson & Joe Rogan (4:24); Toxoplasmosis (7:24); Conversations with Students (13:24) ; Student Behavior/Classroom Management (18:24); Random Thoughts (38:54)
From the episode: Joe Rogan Experience Episode #958; Joe Rogan Experience Episode #965; Toxoplasmosis; Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community by Alfie Kohn; The End of Faith by Sam Harris; Mindfulness; Aristotle; Jiddu Krishnamurti; Social and Emotional Learning (SEL); How to Win An Argument; Bertrand Russell: On Avoiding Foolish Opinions; What is a Professional Learning Community?; Joseph Campbell; The Hero´s Journey; Guy Ritchie Interview; Soft Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs Hard AI; CRISPR
The track we used in today´s episode: Blind Love Dub by Jeris (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Kara Square (mindmapthat)
Episode 3 PBLs, Progressive Education, & Technology
In this Episode, Kell and Ben talk about Kell´s experience camping for a week with some students; PBL´s and Student Motivation; Progressive Education & Ben´s reflection of his classroom practice; Technology and it´s effect on students; Sophomores, death, and the Universe. Links to the info we talk about are below the audio file
Resources From the Show
- Outdoor education from Chadwick
- The Buck Institute for Education Project Based Learning (PBL) Blog
- Likert Scale
- Progressive Education
- Loving Learning
- John Dewey
- Lucy Calkins
- The Wire
- Is Neuroscience Rediscovering The Soul?
- Google Chrome Web Store
- Sophomore
- Carl Jung
- Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- José Mujica
Episode 1 Stress, Trust, and Maslow
In this episode, Kell and Ben start the conversation off about some work that Kell is doing with his psychology club. It continues with some talk about trust, and ends with Maslow´s hierarchy of needs and a hint to a future episode.
(0.0) Beta Test
In this episode, Kell & Ben talk about the use of existential questions in the classroom. The conversation meanders from there and touches upon the role of society in the classroom, as well as opining on some different countries and their own systems of education.